tea connoisseur

 hi lovelies and chagiyas and everyone except people who hates tea.

if this earth having a catastrophe or zombie attack, i think the one yang i nak save and worth saving for is tea lover.

because they are more calm and can go through any situation as long as they already took a sips of tea.

nothing much, just on this entry i nak share about tea.

i would self-diagnose myself as tea lover, but theres so much more tea yang i belum rasa. sebab ada major attachment issues dengan green tea. so if i nak sangat pun tea lain, if ada green tea, i will choose green tea all over just how i choose you all over and over, cey

okay first i nak rate fav tea yg i minum and most of the tea i minum with no sugar so i rate based on rasa without sugar lah;


green tea
(boh, lipton, dilmah, ahmad tea, twining)

if green tea is a person, i would offer myself and volunteer to marry him. i also want to thanks because its teman me a lot in the day i don't want to continue living, in the day i hate myself/also loving myself, also teman me on the bad day, on the good day, on the nervous day, on the moment i think everyone leave me, but tea doesn't.


strawberry raspberry tea
(boh, twining)

this is very lovely yall maybe sebab packaging dia warna pink lol. the taste is very perfect that make me wonder why i see him perfect while there is strawberry rasperry tea? is he using minyak dagu? because doesn't make sense at all. minum this one yang iced kat cameron and instantly fall in love.


strawberry/blueberry tea
(cameron valley)

very refreshing, even non sugar, still rasa dia punya berries taste. buat healing-healing. much lighter than strawberry raspberry tea.


orange tea
(cameron valley)

this one i suka. bau dia lagi orange dari rasa dia. tangy. nak cicah-cicah macam tak kena. good when hot and more mengancam when put some ice. would recommend and universal, i buat for family and they loved it.


lemon tea
(lipton, fresh lemon, dried lemon)

this one ialah one of the drink untuk mengurangkan rasa bersalah after melantak like a saka. i suka. asalnya untuk weight-loss but all i loss is myself. honey lemon tea is also sedap and sweet just like you honey.


passion fruit tea
(ahmad tea, tealive)

this tea much better tealive, sebab ada bijik dia, rasa lagi sedap. sweet but sour. i kalo stress cari ni dulu baru cari bahu.


crysanthemum flower tea
(dried flower)

haih. very sedap, fresh and estetek. rasa sebijik macam those air kotak, cuma more cute sebab bunga-bunga terapung. can also kunyah bunga tu and shedap. overall perfect tapi i bagi 7 sebab i tak suka batang kat bunga dia. diluah malas, ditelan macam tak kena. kalaulah dia membiak secara keratan batang, i would be a garden.


lychee rose tea
(boh seri songket, 999)

just remembering those scents of this tea, bring back good memories. bau dia, rasa dia, a good combination of a fruit and a flower.


vanilla tea
(idk, just order kat cameron)

i loved vanilla, but the tea is below my expectation. bau dia so cute and sweet, musky like vanilla. but when minum i mencari-cari rasa vanilla nya. ala2 konsep makan aiskrim vanilla guna sudu kayu, kayu yang terasa lebihnya, begitulah. but of course will repeat sebab scent dia sooo calming.


ginger tea
(dried ginger, order somewhere)

this is a tea yang rasa-rasa spicy a bit but acceptable. suka, but if tak letak gula langsung, i would rate 6/10. but if add-on sugar and ice cubes, cartanya di bawah green tea.


after-meal tea - ginger, fennel & peppermint

this one i takkan minum unless my stomach nak meletop after a food-bloating tummy. bolehlah sooth sikit but thanks, not gonna make it as a daily dose.


chamomile tea
(boh, dried flower)

this tea is very efficient for running from reality, but not my taste, tak berapa suka bau dia and it just like a drug. once drink, consider fly. sumpah i kalau minum ni, after 30 minutes i terus hilang dari radar. then when i wake up, i still mamai after a day until i become sober again. but it was a peaceful sleep for me, sumpah. recommend drink on weekends.


goji berry tea
(dried goji berry, cubes)

only drink this when i really penat of after a workout. but sekali ja so far tu pun sikit. prefer goji berry buat milkshake with dragonfruit lagi.


red dates tea
(dried red dates)

shampoo lover might loves to drink this tea. i suka but since i rasa dia macam air shampoo, i can't change my mind anymore. but to drink this dengan goji berry, i tak tipu, it does help to stay active. celik mata i lepas minum.


masala tea
(cameron valley)

rasa dia spiced tea. bolehlah but ginger is more tasty. if i nak spice baik i makan masak lomak cili padi why drink tea, so overall bolehlah. but masala milk tea is heaven, might rate 8, head over heels. maybe i yang minum o punya so yea.


english breakfast tea
(boh, dilmah)

bolehlah. cuma biasanya tak cari, unless orang kasi. bolehlah masuk tekak cuma i lagi prefer tea biasa cap harimau 999 rose.


butterfly pea tea
(dried flower)

malas i nak rate. i drink this once and got dizzy for 3 days. feel likes mabuk and walk on the clouds. but when i guna buat butterfly pea cheesecake, tak pening pulak. yalah, life is complicated or maybe its just me. warna purple macam minum air nila. acceptable but may not repeat unless i dimabuk cinta


earl grey tea
(tealive non sugar)

first tea yang i minum tak habis. pahit nya lebih triggered dari kenangan silam. no-no

okay thats all for this lifetime. if can compare all this tea, tea-dor is much better. lets tea-dor guys. nunite chagiyas<3


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