
assalamualaikum & hi lovelies! today i wanna talk about self-love. what is self-love? self-love is a state of appreciation for oneself that grows from actions that support our physical, psychological and spiritual growth. (read this blog for more: why do you have to self-love? because yourself is the only one you have when you have no one. you may have a good friend, a lovely family, a caring partner, but the answer is till when? who was there when you sad at the 3 a.m.? it's you babe. for me, self-love is simple. when the happiness stay within me and did not depend on other people, that self-love. i must say this is not easy, it took me 2 years to be superior in this. what can i say, when you love yourself, nothing can take you down. for this slot, i want to focus why self-love is so important, before you start a relationship. i want you to know because... my past relationship kinda mess up because my lack of self...