
Showing posts from February, 2025

what i love about my e-day; & budget

 hi lovelies. ops cannot lovelies anymore cause i already found my love hshshs. today i would like to share some details about what i loved on my engagement day. of course its a budget one hihi, but for (introvert?) like me macam agak big celebration la, but i still lurve everything about my e-day, especially my fiancĂ©, Ahmad Fauzan. hihi mwah but first of all i would like to thank to my love because very brave to commit and accept me. i love you shayang. no words can describe how big my love for you. thank you for exists in my life. i do need someone like you so much. ecey fyi i jemput my few (like 5?) besties & others semua family and 2 neigbours je. yela tak elok juga kan heboh2 sebab baru one step closer hihi. doakan yang baik-baik ya. i do need your guys dua. i rasa macam agak save la sebab i buat preparation a bit awal sbb yela mestila excited ada orang nak kat kita bhahaha. i mula buat 2 months before, survey & beli apa patut. dan i rasa sbb i survey awal la i dapat ...