
her. i don't really have to say her name, but her sweet face always carved in my head, automatically pop-up whenever i hear the word 'comfort person'. she was the greatest girl gift in my life, wouldn't ask for more friends. she's enough for me. i hate that i can't find the comfort of her in others, especially in men. maybe that's why my relationship never succeed. i never comfortable with men like when im with her. i always try to find the comfort in others, but i can't. maybe i should stop trying hard to find the comfortness she gave me in others. but i hate that i always depends on her. i can say that im an independent girl but when im with her, im a weak ass. she always make me feel touched, maybe she doesn't even know it. she always doesn't even know it or forgot things. she might forgot what im gonna tell u guys below. she's the one who touch my faces when im having chickenpox, to clean my face (theres nanah at my face that time). while...