

i don't really have to say her name, but her sweet face always carved in my head, automatically pop-up whenever i hear the word 'comfort person'.

she was the greatest girl gift in my life, wouldn't ask for more friends. she's enough for me.

i hate that i can't find the comfort of her in others, especially in men. maybe that's why my relationship never succeed. i never comfortable with men like when im with her.

i always try to find the comfort in others, but i can't. maybe i should stop trying hard to find the comfortness she gave me in others. but i hate that i always depends on her. i can say that im an independent girl but when im with her, im a weak ass.

she always make me feel touched, maybe she doesn't even know it. she always doesn't even know it or forgot things. she might forgot what im gonna tell u guys below.

she's the one who touch my faces when im having chickenpox, to clean my face (theres nanah at my face that time). while others friends avoid to meet/see me because they afraid that i will infect them. i can see that the difference before and after i've got chickenpox. but she's staying when i told her to stay away from me.

when i've got covid, shes also the one yang sanggup drive me almost 400km away to send me because she know im badly damages health on my last day quarantine. i had to go back for work. i did not ask for her help at all but suddenly like an angel shes come for help. i said that day was my last day quarantine but she said takpe ok je (jangan tiru aksi ini di mana2).

she's accept my ugly cry every time i need a shoulder. but then we will end up laugh because really, i cry uglylyyyy wouldn't even cry sksks but HUAAAA. shes also sabar with me when im not really well. i kinda vomits a lot when period. good things for me, i always want to jalan-jalan when im period bcs it easier, doesn't have to think about tertinggal waktu solat. bad things for her, she have to drive and think everything hikhok.

she's a moon lover. whenever she saw a beautiful moon, she will tell me or maybe snap a pic for me. such a cutie. i remember when we moongazing at perak on a trampoline, that was amazing night for me. not because of the breathtaking full moon, but because of you by my side. i need my asthma inhaler because im laughing a lottt that night, so much happier than ever. i wish one night we can repeat it again, girl.

lastly, she's the one i can't stay mad for too long. last week, i actually a bit mad mad dog for her for some personal reasons. but when i met her ftf and hear her 'bbbbhhhhhiiiiiiii', yes, i would take bullet for her again.

if i want to tell more about her, maybe this post wouldn't meet an end. i hope that you always stay in my life until our last breath. i hope you didn't find this post because maybe you will kembang coz i puji you lelebih.

(thanks for the birthday/friendship ring, caje na post because this pic is berry ciut)

babe, if you've read this, just know that this is appreciation post for you, for being a biggest part on my story. you know who you are. love you, bestie.

i hope you this cringy post doesn't make you think that im a lesb. HAHAHAHA if i really pun i will make sure its not you because dont want to take a risk on ruining our blessed friendship. xoxo


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