hi lovelies,

whenever the word 'insecure' pop-up in our mind, i can predict its always gives us the negative aura.

topic about insecurities is the one that always gonna relate to our broken soul and also make us doubt ourself.

everyone has insecurities. don't deny it. the confident one is just the people who can hide it well.

so, today i want to share things to do to make you not insecure even though youre insecure. hahax

1. shhh! dont tell em'

rules no. 1, NEVER EVER tell people your insecurities. i start to realise this one when i told my roomate that i insecure about - - -. lol not gonna told ya:p

then my roomate say, "serious ke wina? leha tak pernah perasan pun yang - - - wina camtu. bila wina bagitau, terus cam nampak."

see, most of people don't even care and notice your insecurities until you told them.

people don't even notice your unsymmetry face, your acnes, the sizes of your nose/ear, your lazy eyes, your walking gestures, everything. people have more things to think than judge our appearance.

even when people upload a picture with a red circle, you will focus inside the red circle first. one morebwhen people upload with caption "abaikan jerawat kat dahi". lol that the first thing your audience will see and aim la!!! tak, tak marah ocey.

2. don't 'do you' question

rules no. 2, if you really lack in topics or maybe you really run out of words, NEVER EVER ask people to guess your insecurities.

don't tetiba "semorang kata aku konfiden, tapi aku senanya tak pun. aku pun insecure, tapi ko cuba teka aku insecure tentang apa?"

girls... don't hurt your soul like that. you don't deserve that. 

not one answer gonna make you okay. every answer gonna make you doubt yourself and overthink about it.

just imagine you ask me to guess your insecurities and i said, "sebab your eyes sebelah kecik sebelah besar ke?". but you main insecurities in your mine is actually your skin. tak ke itu menambah you punya overthinking dan insecurities?

i said this because one of my friends ask me camtu.

i just said she was perfect, insecure is normal and all you can do is embrace it. if you can change it, change it (bodyweight; makeup; styles), but if you can't, please embrace it (size of body parts; skin; face structure).

kalo habis takde soalan pun, tanya jelah napa panda mata hitam walaupun banyak tido, kenapa gajah besar walaupun makan tebu, kenapa awak tak suka saya ke. as long as don't as things that add up your insecurities.

3. main-character moments

lesgooo rules no. 91727271, be a main character in your own world.

but you actually do. you je tak sedar. you always been a main character since the day you've been born.

you're you. only you can feel you and only you can control you. how amazing is that?

but always remember. not every main character are happy 24/7. they have problems too. actually too many problems but thats what makes their storylines menarik! kan?

main character also not perfect. they have flaws. their attitude is also shitty sometimes. they also have dark side. don't you think that you also the same? yeah, because we do. we also a main character.

every story/drama/movie we've seen always with a different type of main characters. some of them are the kecoh one; talking like machine gun, some are lovely and cute, but not really talk too much, and some are maniac.

but the point is everyone have their own character and you should too!

try your best to embrace your moments as main character. treat yourself properly, take care of yourself, dress cutely as you want, make-up if you want to, buy that food you crave, capture that pictures, just selfies eventho people saw you to do so, buy that flower for yourself. go to the concert you want, take that risks. 

treat yourself properly before you let other people to do so. so that you can make different between love and bare minimum. 

thus, NEVER let insecurities control what you want to do; it will end up not doing it. you control yourself. fake it until you make it!

4. supermarket-listing

do you ever hear "tolong catat sebab yang dihati pun boleh pergi apalagi yang di fikiran", tahla haha tak ingat ayat catchy dia tapi gitula munyi nya.

but the thing is list down your advantages whenever you feel down. why focus on the negative when you also have the positive sides?

you list down yourself and you will see, you are a worth of living. your existence is not wasted at all. you are loved.

5. stop comparing lilies do daisies

lilies and daisies are both significant creatures, aite?

did they become a parasite for each other? did they jealous of each other? did they try to make each other down?

nope. they just blooms beautifully.

i mean, look at you. every women are beautiful. why do you need to compare your prettiness with other women when every women is beautiful?

is that gonna be beneficial for you? nope kan? comparing just make it worst. thus, beauty is something yang subjective. so, no needlah compare or try to impress someone. you beautiful in your own way and right people will saw it.

and you know who is the most beautiful women? confident women, the one you are becoming since now.

6. everything-ful (grate/thank/beauti)

be grateful, thankful and beautiful for yourself.

just know, somebody might wish for the body on you that you hate, somebody might wish they're you, somebody might want to have whatever you have.

but after all, everyone had their own timelines. never insecure about each other timelines because you had your own timelines yang takde siapa pun lalui exactly macam you lalui.

some events might overlapped, but it still your own timelines. 

jangan insecure lah about people's living style ke, their job ke, their partner ke. you never know their struggles and you can just focus on your struggles.

struggles is good. i think when you struggles, it means that you're doing something right in your life. you are upgrading your life.

timeline orang, timeline orang lah. timeline kita, kita punya. for example as a 25 y/o surroundings, let them get married first while you having fun with friends. maybe their love life is easy, but they lost their besties in their love way. who knows?

okeylah setakat itu sahaja rant i kalini because my fingers is numb already and i lack of sentence dah.

kata-kata i, just be yourself and embrace your life okay. it's your life. never think about what people might saying.

if you do something bad, they will judge. but if you do something right, they will also judge. so, just do what you want to do without think about people's expectations.

last but not least, i ada terbaca something sound like this. might in wrong sentence but try to get the message ocey.

'if mom yang lahirkan you dan sayangkan you pun akan cuba sediakan everything the best for you, what make you think Allah yang loves you more than your mother this entire time, the One who created you will make you sad with your life? wouldn't everything just be perfect?'

ok lovelies. bye


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